The Elder Wind Tower Event in Mortal Kombat Mobile (MK Mobile) was first introduce in March, Update 3.6 (23-March-2022).

The Elder Wind Tower Event Come with two types of difficulties. That’s call

  • Normal Elder Wind Tower.
  • Fatal Elder Wind tower.

Both Normal and Fatal Tower have different hard levels and Rewards, but the equipment’s are same in Mortal Kombat Mobile. Elder Wind Event have total 10 Equipements in MK Mobile. here the Types of the Equipment’s

  • 4 Epic Equipment
  • 3 Rare Equipment
  • 3 Uncommon Equipment

Here is Elder Wind Tower gear name list and features in MK Mobile.

  1. Varmint’s Ace in The Hole (Epic) Equipment.
  2. Matokan Bear Fang (Epic) Equipment.
  3. Dagger of Spirits (Epic) Equipment.
  4. Ceremonial Pipe (Epic) Equipment.
  5. Widowmaker (Rare) Equipment.
  6. Varmint’s Lucky Hat (Rare) Equipment.
  7. Matokan Snake Skin (Rare) Equipment.
  8. Succotash (Uncommon) Equipment.
  9. Moonshine (Uncommon) Equipment.
  10. Dreamcatcher (Uncommon) Equipment.

Elder Wind Tower Equipment Features.

1. Varmint’s Ace in The Hole (From Elder Wind Event) 

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 200%~300% Recovery boost.
  • Apply Shield Break on opponent’s tag-in for 5~15 sec.
  • 300%~1200% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • ERRON BLACK) For 3 times during the match on tag-in, Erron Black challenges his opponent to duel that they cannot escape for 10~20sec. While the duel lasts. Erron Black has 70% chance to dodge any Special Attack. Each time Erron Black manages to kill his enemy during the duel, he gains 30% Critical Hit Chance boost till the end of the match. Erron Black loses if he tags out during the duel.
  • [ERRON BLACK) [SET] If this is equipped alongside Varmint’s Lucky Hat, any DIAMOND Erron Black gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • Once per match when the character receives fatal damage gain Invulnerability for 10sec and 1 bar of Power for your last shot, Character is not able to tag out during Invulnerability (Work at fusion level X)

2. Matonak bear fang (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 30~50% Critical Hit chance boost.
  • Critical Hits on Special Attacks have 20%~40% chance to Vampire the damage.
  • 150%~600% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • [NIGHTWOLF] At the start of the match and on tag-in, gain Speed for 5~10sec. All Special Attacks have 70% chance to apply Weaken.
  • [NIGHTWOLF] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Matokan Snakeskin, any DIAMOND Nightwolf gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • Whenever user resists or applies a debuff, gain 100% Critical Hit damage boost for 10sec. (Work at fusion level X)

3. Dagger of Spirits (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 15%~35% Reduced Power cost on all Special Attacks.
  • When the opponent blocks an incoming Special Attack, turn 30%~50% of the blocked damage into Health.
  • 150%~600% Damage boost. Eider Wind Tower only.
  • Special Attack 2 and X-ray/Fatal Blow apply Oblivion debuff for 15sec. (Work at fusion level X)

4. Ceremonial Pipe (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • Gain 50%~100% Damage boost while the character is not affected by any debuff.
  • Whenever an opponent tries to apply a positive combat effect on themselves, there is a 70%~100% chance to steal the effect for the user. Unique personal buffs can’t be stolen.
  • 70%~225% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 150%~450% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 30% Chance to apply a random buff to the user on Combo Ender. (Work at fusion level X)

5. Windowmaker (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 40%~80% Basic Attack damage boost.
  • Achieving 80%+ on any Special Attack increases the damage dealt by this Special Attack by 20%~40%.
  • 40%~300% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • Gain Luck on tag-in for 15sec. (Work at fusion level X)

6. Varmint’s Lucky Hat (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 10%~20% Chance to steal 2% of opponent’s max Power on Basic Attacks.
  • On tag-out gain 10~20sec of Team Shield.
  • 20%~150% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 40%~300% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
    [ERRON BLACK] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Varmint’s Ace in the Hole, any DIAMOND Erron Black gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • All opponent team’s characters need to collect 30% more Power to fill up each Power bar. (Work at fusion level X)

7. Matokan Snake Skin (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 20%~30% Resistance to all debuffs.
  • 20%~50% Opponent Critical Hit Chance reduction.
  • 80%~600% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • [NIGHTWOLF] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Matokan Bear Fang, any DIAMOND Nightwolf gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • Apply Incurability at the start of the match and on opponent’s tag-in for 15sec. (Work at fusion level X)

8. Succotash (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 10%~20% Max Health boost.
  • 10%~80% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 20%~160% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 0.5 Bar of starting Power (Work at fusion level X)

9. Moonshine (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 10%~20% All Special Attacks unblockable chance.
  • 10%~80% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 20%~160% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • Damage received from Special Attacks is reduced by 20%. (Work at fusion level X)

10. Dreamcatcher (from Elder Wind Event)

Elder Wind Event gear

Equipment Features:

                  (Note: in MK Mobile equipment features depend on equipment fusion level)

  • 20%~70% Combo Ender damage boost.
  • 10%~80% Damage boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 20%~160% Max Health boost. Elder Wind Tower only.
  • 60% Chance to apply Dispel on Special Attack 2. (Work at fusion level X)

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